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[] Fwd: Problem using CommandStack and Commands

Hi Yann,

Thanks for the answer.
But there is a problem, it apears that the element edit service is not yet released (it is in 0.7.1).
Am I wrong ?

I finally succedded with this code:

ICommand gmfCommand;
ServiceUtilsForActionHandlers util = new ServiceUtilsForActionHandlers();
DestroyElementRequest request = new DestroyElementRequest(op, false);
IElementType type = ElementTypeRegistry.getInstance().getElementType(request.getEditHelperContext());
gmfCommand = (type != null) ? type.getEditCommand(request) : null; 
if (gmfCommand != null){
try {
util.getTransactionalEditingDomain().getCommandStack().execute(new GMFtoEMFCommandWrapper(gmfCommand.reduce()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {

Thanks for your help


2010/10/13 TANGUY Yann 176637 <Yann.TANGUY@xxxxxx>

Hi Arnaud,


Assuming you are trying to create a delete command for a UML element in Papyrus you should consider using the element edit service.

To start with, have a look at oep.modelexplorer.handler.DeleteCommandHandler :


      private Command buildCommand() {


            ICommand gmfCommand = null;

            for(EObject selectedEObject : getSelectedElements()) {


                  IElementEditService provider = ElementEditServiceUtils.getCommandProvider(selectedEObject);

                  if(provider == null) {




                  // Retrieve delete command from the Element Edit service

                  DestroyElementRequest request = new DestroyElementRequest(selectedEObject, false);

                  ICommand deleteCommand = provider.getEditCommand(request);


                  // Add current EObject destroy command to the global command

                  gmfCommand = CompositeCommand.compose(gmfCommand, deleteCommand);



            if(gmfCommand == null) {

                  return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;



            Command emfCommand = new GMFtoEMFCommandWrapper(gmfCommand.reduce());

            return emfCommand;



This creates a compound delete command for a set of elements, their containments and related views.

See the parent class for the execution of this command:


      public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {


            try {


                  ServiceUtilsForActionHandlers util = new ServiceUtilsForActionHandlers();



            } catch (ServiceException e) {


                  Activator.log.error("Unexpected error while executing command.", e);




            return null;



Best regards,




De : [] De la part de Arnaud Dieumegard
Envoyé : mardi 12 octobre 2010 13:42
À :
Objet : [] Problem using CommandStack and Commands


Hi all,

I have done many search to find if someone have the same problem than me and I have found some clues but nothing work so I post here.

I use Helios Build id: 20100617-1415
And Papyrus MDT 0.7.0.v201007251735

I'm creating a plugin to populate an UML model from a database. So I have a parser getting elements from the database.
Then, I need to compare the existing elements with the new element and replace/add/delete acccording to the result.

I have an IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate to launch the population of the diagram. In this action I have a WorkspaceModifyOperation.
In the WorkspaceModifyOperation, I have a RecordingCommand in witch I make my modifications on the model.

These modifications are DeleteCommands and RemoveCommands. I use the uml2 methods to create my new elements.

Is this a good way to modify a model (I mean is it good to do Commands inside commands ?

When I try my plugin, the modifications are done, I save the modified diagram (and so the model) and when I reopen it, I have an error:

!MESSAGE org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl.ClassImpl cannot be cast to org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl.ClassImpl cannot be cast to org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation

It seems that this error is close to this one:

But I do not find the way to solve it.
Here is a part of my code:

//Get the org.eclipse.uml2.uml.operation
Operation op = getOperationToModify();
EditingDomain dom = AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.getEditingDomainFor(op);
Command commDeleteOP = RemoveCommand.create(dom, op);
Command commDeleteParams = DeleteCommand.create(dom, op.getOwnedParameters());
tmp = (Class) op.getOwner();
op = ((Class)tmp).createOwnedOperation(actionName, tmpParamName, tmpParamType);

This is how I manage my modification, is this good or is there a problem ?

I tried to find some Papyrus MDT Cookbook but on the svn, it's an old version.
I also find this: but it's for Papyrus (old version)
Is there a new version of the second document ?

Thanks for your help.

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