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Re: [] New icons for papyrus diagram editors

Hi Sebastien,

of course. Which are the diagrams already updated ? I have synchronized my repo and haven't found any.



GERARD Sebastien 166342 a écrit :
Dear all,

I ahev updated the plug-in svn+ssh://

Where you can find the new icons for the Papyrus UML diagram editors. The bmp figures (icon with no frame, the one to put in Papyrus) have now a transaprant background.

For the moment, only two diagrams have updated their icons. Is it possible to update the other please?


Best… Sébastien.

Dr. Sébastien Gérard

Head of MDD for DRES research project

CEA LIST, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE)

Boîte courrier 94, GIF SUR YVETTE

CEDEX, F-91191 France

Phone/fax : +33 1 69 08 58 24 / 83 95

Leader of the Eclipse Component Papyrus (The UML2 Graphical Modeler):

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