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Re: [] suggestion of process improvment

Title: Raphaël FAUDOU
recently things changed and I saw bugs closed that I had to reopen after verification. I did not intend to start any discussion.
This was just a warning that it would be more efficient to leaver the reporter close his/her bug.
Nothing else.
If it is a very limited situation and that everybody now follows the Eclipse process, there is nothing to add.
Perfect. :-)

TANGUY Yann 176637 a écrit :

Please Raphael, there are only 7 bugs currently "Closed" in bugzilla, how can you say that bugs are closed too quickly or that the process is not followed ?


Most of the bugs are currently either "Opened" or in "Resolved" status, which globally match the proposed Eclipse process at this step.



De : Raphael FAUDOU [mailto:raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : vendredi 11 juin 2010 11:33
À : TANGUY Yann 176637
Cc : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] suggestion of process improvment


TANGUY Yann 176637 a écrit :



You can find some information regarding Bugzilla use here :

Well, as you notice, the Bugzilla suggested process mentions a transition to "verified" state before "closed".
It does not seem that everybody follows this process...

Can we postpone these process discussion to any date after 0.7.0 release ?

Sure we can.
But the idea was to provide both a better quality of bugzilla state for the community and save time by avoiding to create bad bugs or to reopen bugs not closed.
sorry that you could not see the benefits.


Best regards,




De : [] De la part de Raphael FAUDOU
Envoyé : vendredi 11 juin 2010 10:54
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [] suggestion of process improvment


Hi all,

currently there is huge effort to clean the bugzilla repository by closing bugs. There are two different situations that are not well addressed today and I give suggestions to improve the process.

  • 1. some bugs are closed too quickly , either because the bug was not compteley understood or the verification was not complete. Then the bug must be reopen. It might give "bad image" to the user community.This is not so important for now as the user community is limited but let us take good habits and try to avoid such situation.
    • Suggestion  : leave the responsability of closing the bug to the reporter of the bug and on milestone releases (not on nightly builds). This is a common strategy used on maintenance process, even in open source. To avoid bugs never closed, the following steps can be followed:
      1. when the bug is fixed/implemented, the developper changes the state and comments by giving information where the fix/implementation can be tested. Something like "fixed in head" or "implemented in branch XXX".
      2. At next milestone, the fix/implementation is available to the user community into a packaged release. After a given period (let us say 1 month), if the reporter did not closed the bug, a comment is put to ask him/her to check and close the bug.
      3. After another waiting period (let us say 1 month), if the reporter did not react, the bug is closed.
  • 2. some bugs are open or reopen too quickly, in a context when code base is not stable; After some changes in the architecture or in important foundation classes, there might be some temporary regression or some bugs here and there. Perhaps it is not necessary to create bugs immediatly as this situation is known and is about to be fixed in the next days.
    • suggestion : open bugs only on milestone releases and not on nightly builds. note that it requires to get milestone releases available quite often.

If everybody agrees (or nobody disagrees) I will put those rules on the wiki.





Image Signature IOC

Raphaël FAUDOU
Responsable cellule Innovation / bureau méthodes
Head of Innovation & Method Definition
Embedded systems & critical systems
Atos Origin

Tel     : +33 (0)5 34 36 32 89
Tel     : +33 (0)6 10 53 50 44
Mail   : raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Raphaël FAUDOU

Image Signature IOC Raphaël FAUDOU
Responsable cellule Innovation / bureau méthodes
Head of Innovation & Method Definition
Embedded systems & critical systems
Atos Origin

Tel     : +33 (0)5 34 36 32 89
Tel     : +33 (0)6 10 53 50 44
Mail   : raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Atos Origin
6, Impasse Alice Guy
BP 43045
31024 Toulouse Cedex 3, France

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