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[] Papyrus icons for UML2 elements and diagram editors

Hi all,


I have committed (yes I did, do not be afraid ;-) two plug-ins containing respectively the icons redesigned for the UML model elements and the diagram editors of Papyrus:




Please use these latter for your diagram editors. We will need some icons for the SysML editors. Idea are welcome. FYI, for editing the icons, I use a free tool called IcoFX that works quite well.


Cheers… Sébastien.


Dr. Sébastien Gérard

Head of MDD for DRES research project

CEA LIST, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE)

Boîte courrier 94, GIF SUR YVETTE

CEDEX, F-91191 France

Phone/fax : +33 1 69 08 58 24 / 83 95

Leader of the Eclipse Component Papyrus (The UML2 Graphical Modeler):


Before printing, think about the environment


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