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[] Papyrus night build

Dear all,


The night build of Papyrus is currently working on Athena. You can find the job at the following address:


I still have problem with the eef runtime dependency, as there is no stable build on which I can rely for build. Consequently:

- The user has to install himself the eef runtime. I am thinking about putting the eef runtime feature in the archived update site of papyrus.

- Every week, the build is broken, as the Integration build number on which I rely is deleted.


As mentioned in today's telco, I removed some of the plugins in the build: the autolayout tools. I will reintegrate them as soon as possible, i.e. they are moved in a more convenient place in the SVN.

I also removed the sequence diagram, as it had dependencies to UML2 tools project. (I apologize, as I forgot to mention it in the telco)






+33 1 69 08 48 48
CEA LIST, Boîte courrier 65,
F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex



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