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Re: [] Code compilation error - lost many things


Thibault LANDRE wrote:
Hi Cedric,

for tomorrow, we (Atos) will not be able to attend a meeting in the morning. Can we schedule it an hour before the team meeting ? (ie : 15h).



Cedric Dumoulin a écrit :

  Hi all,

After an heavy WE of works and discussion with Sébastien, here are an outline of the commits (BTW, everythink I did is traced in the Papyrus bugzilla). The intend of the work was to try to reconcile my contribution to the Papyrus backbone and the contributions of ATOS in a way everyone could be satisfy. The refactor done in v656 put me in trouble because there was too many changes (mainly code reformating) and I was completely lost in the new code.

The first important result is that a priori everything is working again now. The second important result is also that now I have a clearest view of the behaviorals changes made around the ATOS refactor*/ /*for supporting the control mode. More comments in lines*/ /*below.

BTW, in accord with Sébastien, we propose to have another telco Wednesday morning (10 am to 11:30 am) in order to discuss and plan the incoming actions required for the backbone.

Finally, I think that this fight should stop and we have to work in a more collaborative and productive manner.


Raphael FAUDOU wrote:

Yes, it compiles but we lost many things :

    * all the work about dead code (unused tags) => 1 week effort from
      thomas lost

The unused tags are not yet back because they are too many, and mainly because there were written as a java comment just before the methods rather than be added directly in javadoc.*/ /*I commit to clean the code for the end of the year. I will do that certainly within the Christmas vacation. It will be completed at last for the first week of January 2010.

    * dirty mode fixed by Thomas does not work anymore => 4 days effort
      lost and not usable

About the dirty mode, there are two remaining issues: (i) composite diagram needs to be modified in order to follow the new way to save model as introduced in the refactor done in v656.; (ii) it seems also there is some side effect on the activity diagram that cannot be closed.

In addition, I think that this refactoring point has indeed introduced a too tightly coupling between the core and the nested editors. These latter should now implement some methods in a particular way (doSave() and isDirty()). The core should support any kind of editors, even those that do not implements these methods or implements them in their Eclipse way. So this change is not compatible with the spirit of the core (not dedicated to GMF or Papyrus). I propose to work with Thomas to find a more flexible solution and to discuss this point next Wednesday.

    * Thomas name has disappeard from headers => completely innaceptable

This comes from the way the restore have been done. All citations (2 instances) are restored. My apologies for that.

We have the feeling to have come one month back and it is a very disappointing situation :-( We are blocked for our work on the SysML profile support and for BDD and IBD diagrams.

This is a *_red signal _*as we can not continue working like that (frustration, much time consumed).

As immediate actions, I request that :
1/ the backbone code be reverted from two days ago.

Now that I have tracked and understand the modifications done around the v656 refactor, I have restored these modifications. But, I think we should reconsider the way they have been done, and propose more universal solutions.

2/ control mode fixed as it is a blocking point for collaborative work

The control mode is restored, but we should consider to change the way it is coupled to the backbone. I propose to put the controlmode as a service of the backbone, and let the sashdi provide required functionalities, but on a higher level than the one actually provided. => bug

3/ backbone evolutions done by Cedric be commited on a branch and not on the head

On this point, we have concluded with Sébastien that all the "unused code" will be put on a separate branch in my local workspace. It will be done as already said previously at last within the Christmas vacation. However, concerning future works, we (Sébastien and me) think that there are two possibilities that indeed should apply to all papyrusdevs: 1) either a new functionality get a consensus (every Papyrus partners agree on the new functionally, in this case the related code has to be of course part of the Papyrus core plug-ins; 2) the proposed functionality is not validated by all. In this latter case, the functionality has to be introduced as an option of the tool which is disable by default .


Cedric Dumoulin a écrit :


The head compils and runs again, except the controlMode plugin and the dirtyFlag behavior.
 I will check that asap (tomorrow) and try to find a solution.


Cedric Dumoulin wrote:

 Hi all,

Please do not commit on the core, especially on backbone, has I am currently trying to recover it .


Thibault LANDRE wrote:

Hi all,

A commit made yesterday (r734) breaks the compilation of the project.

The class NavigatorUtils needs some methods from the class EditorUtils that have disappeared. It seems that the commit made yesterday was made from a code that wasn't updated.

If you want to work with code from a specific revision, please create a branch.

Another point, before comiting, please ensure that you are up to date with the code on the repository.

Finally, I think it is safier that every developer, specifically on the backbone, get all the source code of the project in their workspace to check if their modifications don't impact other parts of the project.


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