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Re: [] Resource management

  Here is our additional requirement:

  User should be able to save directly its model as a .uml resource suitable for other tools. The way to produce this resource should be the "save action". It should not be an export (which require extra clicks).

  The use case is as follow :
  Other tools exists (EMF, our Gaspard environment, ...) that require as input an uml resource (usually a .uml file).
These tools require that user model whith the UML Modeler, then save its model as UML. Then, the next tool read the UML model as input, to produce something else.
  Having an "export action" is not suitable because : it often implies extra clicks; user should not forget to also save its model, or also export it; it involves more than one resource which can lead to potential problem of synchronization;
  -------- end of requirement

Note that this is a requirement. Even if it seem opposite to the "one single resource" requirement, it is not incompatible. There is solutions that can fulfill both requirements:
  • the save button save both formats in one time (optional choice)
  • the user can select its format (optional choice)
  • other ???

Emilien PERICO wrote:
Hi all,

Please find in attachment some slides about resource management we will talk about during the meeting.

Emilien PERICO
Ingénieur - Atos Origin
Tel : 05 34 36 34 49
Développement durable, anticipons pour notre avenir / Sustainibility, advance our future
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