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Re: [] Diagram creation - a first specification (draft)

I agree that a flexible solution is desirable here, but I'm not sure a "remember this action" setting in the wizard will suffice... If you think about the kind of input the user must provide in response to a diagram creation wizard, I'm not sure how many of the same choices could be reapplied to future diagram creations. In any case, as discussed during the planning meeting last week, the requirements for this feature (and all others, ideally) ought to be documented in Bugzilla and/or the Wiki. Raphaël, is this something you would be willing/able to do?



On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 3:20 AM, GERARD Sebastien 166342 <Sebastien.GERARD@xxxxxx> wrote:
I do hink in this case the best solution is to find a way to satisfy all needs and not to force someone to adopt one solution. In this specific case, I propose we have a check box in the wizard of diagram creation that say something like: "Do not ask again latter". Or something equivalent. In addition, we need to have in the preferences (for all diagrams but also individually) the possibility to reinitialize this.

BTW, who is going to input this enhancement in the bugzilla? And who is committing to do it?

Cheers... Sébastien.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Cedric Dumoulin
Envoyé : vendredi 25 septembre 2009 22:03
À : thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Diagram creation - a first specification (draft)


 Personally, I prefer to have a one click without any subsequent
wizard. But one click or complete wizard is a mater of user taste, so we
never found a solution that agree everyone.  It is why this should be
selectable in the preferences.
 I suppose that this kind of choice is similar to the "expert or
beginner mode" that we could find in some tools. A cool way should be to
be able to have some "profiles" associated to the preferences. So we
could provide some predefined modes "expert", "beginner", ... And a user
should be able to define its own profile.


Thibault LANDRE wrote:
> Hi,
> A "one click" creation action seems dangerous for me. Sometimes you
> click on a button that you didn't intend to click on. Here it creates
> a diagram, and you have to make an undo action or to delete the
> diagram by hand.
> Maybe we should open the same wizard but, depending on the context,
> mask some parts. Users can show again those parts in the wizard and
> modify them if needed.
> At the moment, creating a diagram through the toolbar requires two
> click (one to launch the action, another to set the name). I don't
> think it is excessive.
> Moreover, it is also a kind of security for the user.
> Regards,
> Thibault
> Cedric Dumoulin a écrit :
>>   One other requirement:
>> We should have also a "one click" creation action.
>>   So, there should be a way to choose between the two ways of diagram
>> creation (one click and complete wizard).
>> Idea to provide a choice:
>>     * The toolbar provides the one click, and menu entries provide the
>>       complete wizard,
>>     * or/and choice between one click and complete wizard can be done in
>>       the preferences,
>>     * or to choose the complete wizard, user should click on CTRL and on
>>       the action (button or menu entry)
>>     * or etc ...
>>   Cedric
>> Raphael FAUDOU wrote:
>>> Thanks a lot. I'm goint to update the document with your comments.
>>> concerning the example of information for the wizard, we think that
>>> there can be the name (initialized with the rules given in
>>> preferences), the container of the diagram, the specification of a
>>> context for contextual diagrams, the intialization option concerning
>>> models elements and perhaps other parameters that we did not
>>> identify today like the author, the date, a small description.. that
>>> could be plugged by extension to add pages.
>>> The idea of this wizard is to ensure consistency in the way diagrams
>>> are created. If it appears that some creation parameters become
>>> mandatory , the wizard provides centralization around diagram
>>> creation parameters and ensures this rule. The wizard shows all
>>> diagram parameters and their default values. Yes, it requires one
>>> more click to finish the wizard but it gives a better understanding
>>> for the end user rather than a silent creation with data filled in
>>> background (to my opinion).
>>> regards
>>> raphaël
>>> GERARD Sebastien 166342 a écrit :
>>>> Hu Raphael,
>>>> Here are my comments.
>>>> Sébastien.
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> *De :*
>>>> [] *De la part de*
>>>> Raphael FAUDOU
>>>> *Envoyé :* vendredi 25 septembre 2009 10:09
>>>> *À :* Papyrus Project list
>>>> *Cc :* FAURE Tristan; SZADEL Thomas
>>>> *Objet :* [] Diagram creation - a first
>>>> specification (draft)
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Currently in Papyrus, there is no real strategy about diagram
>>>> creation and we need rules to ensure consistency.
>>>> Please find attached a first effort to list all diagram creation
>>>> requirements and give your feedback.
>>>> regards
>>>> raphaël, Thibault and Emilien
>>>> --
>>>> Image Signature IOC <>
>>>> *Raphaël FAUDOU*
>>>> *Responsable cellule Innovation / bureau méthodes *
>>>> *Head of Innovation & Method Definition *
>>>> *Embedded systems & critical systems *
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>>>> Mail   : raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>> Image Signature IOC <>     *Raphaël FAUDOU*
>>> *Responsable cellule Innovation / bureau méthodes *
>>> *Head of Innovation & Method Definition *
>>> *Embedded systems & critical systems *
>>> Atos Origin
>>> Tel     : +33 (0)5 34 36 32 89
>>> Tel     : +33 (0)6 10 53 50 44
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