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Re: [] Concerning the Model explorer

Title: Raphaël FAUDOU
Hi all,

GERARD Sebastien 166342 a écrit :

Could you please check if these three bugs may be considered as close or not? : closed in mylin. : have to check it in details (can not reproduce but I need more time).
To my point, for the bugs
We should do what is proposed by Emilen in the comment. So in this case, Javier can you do it and then close the bug.
I agree with the comment.
For the feature you propose, see my comment below.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Francisco Javier Cano
Envoyé : jeudi 24 septembre 2009 12:49
À :
Objet : [] Concerning the Model explorer


I have been looking at all the bugs related to the model explorer in the 
eclipse bugzilla.

A resume of what I have found:

these bugs are already open but seem to be solved by now:

these bugs are unfixed but are assigned to nobody:

I can close the bugs that seem solved and are still open, but I'd like 
som confirmation that they are actually solved.
The remaining bugs can be assigned to me.

On another topic, here is a list of some features that the MOSKitt model 
explorer has and that could be adapted to the Papyrus model explorer:

 # Search references in diagrams: using a pop-up menu action, select an 
element and search for references to it in all the diagrams, showing the 
diagrams that have references to that element in the "Search result" tab 
of Eclipse.
[SG > ] Yes, add an item in the bugzilla first with milestone you can reach for it M2 or M3?

 # Group elements by type: children elements of an elements can be 
grouped by type instead of showing them plainly.
[SG > ] Yes, but is has to be an option of presentation, not the default one.

 # Save from the model explorer view: the model explorer can show that 
the diagram is dirty and allow the use of the save action.
[SG > ] Yes, add an item in the bugzilla first with milestone you can reach for it M2 or M3?

 # Search elements: search elements in the model explorer by name, via a 
dialog that allows the selection of one of the matching elements.
[SG > ] Yes, add an item in the bugzilla first with milestone you can reach for it M2 or M3?

Let me know what you think about this.

Best regards,



Image Signature IOC Raphaël FAUDOU
Responsable cellule Innovation / bureau méthodes
Head of Innovation & Method Definition
Embedded systems & critical systems
Atos Origin

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