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Re: [] Update product backlog


Thanks, that sounds great. Please see some responses, in-line, below. So, could we aim to have a draft plan (in the expected format) ready for review by the end of this week (seeing as the deadline is only one week away)?

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Raphael FAUDOU <raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Kenn,

You are right : we just focused on functionalities (use cases) as user stories and did not take time to list the other lines.
  • Concerning performance/scalability, I suggest to create a specific item that would be distributed amongst all players because performance should be everyone'concerns. We can imagine to get first metrics at the end of milestone4 concerning model loading, editing, delete in batch, search and then decide on an action plan for optimization in milestone 5.
Another thing that will help with scalability is to leverage EMF CDO. Efforts are already underway to see whether this can be done for Ecore, UML2, and possibly GMF (notation), but note that some changes may need to take place at the tooling level in order to benefit. Another technology that may help in the way of performance (and usability, actually) is EMF Index.
  • Concerning usability, my opinion is that it is a natural output of validation and experiments. We dive into the tool and experience it through some real uses cases and then we can have a good user oriented feedback ==> it will give us usability. Practivally, during the last week before each milestone we should focus on validation and the results should be bugs and enhancements tagged "usability".
Of course, we should also consider usability from an end-to-end perspective, i.e., look at the user workflows and make sure they make sense. Appropriate documentation (tool tips, cheat sheets, context-sensitive help) will also help... and, we could/should consider how task-centric tooling (e.g., Mylyn contexts/tasks) and/or user data collection (e.g. Eclipse UDC) technologies can be leveraged to help make the application more consumable...
  • Concerning collaboration, I think it has been mainly addressed through the ability to create sub models and to package the 3 formats of a model into one resource. Then this resource can be put in configuration and it becomes possible to work in a collaborative way. The other functionalities not mentionned are : compare models (EMF Compare should answer and we have to integrate it) and merge models, which is more complex and that we should avoid if possible as tools are not mature enough on this point.
CDO may also be helpful here, as it does provide a collaborative model repository. It would be good to understand how the user workflows may (or may not) need to change depending on whether the user chooses to use CDO vs. CVS (for example) vs. the file system as the storage repository for their model artifacts.
  • Concerning the new version of UML 2.3, I vote "YES" but It might be a hard constraint for CEA as the "papyrus I" community wants to use the tool in early 2010 and will be on Galileo with models conformant to Eclipse UML 2.2. We have to wait for the decision of the CEA and to analyse the effort of migration from 2.2 to 2.3 to support existing models.
OK. Unless there is an explicit request from the community (e.g., from Papyrus or some other "major consumer") for UML 2.3 support to be added to UML2, it's probably not going to happen. It sounds like there isn't a burning need for it in Papyrus, at least for the time being (e.g., Helios), which is fine.


Kenn Hussey a écrit :
Thanks, Emilien. Looking at the list, I don't see any "stories" along the lines of performance/scalability, usability, or collaboration. Does the team have plans to address anything in these areas? Also, as I mentioned briefly while I was on the call (sorry again for having to leave early), there is a new version of the UML specification, 2.3. Does the Papyrus team want/need to adopt UML 2.3? Note that the UML2 subproject is lead by IBM and they don't currently have plans to adopt it...



On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Emilien PERICO <emilien.perico@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi again,

Here is an update of the product backlog according to the comments during the meeting.

Emilien PERICO
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