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[] Papyrus and Helios Release Train

Hi all,

The first official version of MDT Papyrus will be available with Helios.

It would be great if we could join the Helios Simultaneous release.
To achieve it, some tasks must be done before specific Helios milestone.

The official date for Helios Milestone :
M1 : August 21th (M1+0: August 7th)
M2 : October 2nd (M2+0: September 18th)
M3 : November 13th (M3+0: October 30th)
M4 : December 18th (M4+0: December 11th)
M5 : February 5th 2010 (M5+0: January 29th)
M6 : March 19th 2010 (M6+0: March 12th)
M7 : May 7th 2010 (M7+0: April 30th)

Our first deadline is M4+0, December 11th. Before this milestone, we have to make :

"Projects must have stated and demonstrated their intent to join Helios by the M4+0 date. Projects do so by adding themselves to bug 251715 and asking to have their project-specific bugs created as clones of each of those referenced in this table. "
--> Action SG and RF ?

2 -
"Projects must have an project plan in XML format."
--> Action TL

3 -
" At least one person from each project must subscribe to cross-project bug inbox, i.e. edit Bugzilla prefs to watch "cross-project.inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx". Build team members (or their designated alternates) from each project will provide communication channels: phone, mail, IM, IRC and will be available during the milestone integration periods. "
--> Action RS and EP ?

4  -
"Project representatives must attend the planning meetings and conference calls - you have to be involved to be involved. "
--> Action SG and RF ?

5 -
" Projects must use Eclipse message bundles unless there are technical reasons not to. (see Message Bundle Conversion Tool and [1]) "
--> Action TL, CD and YT ?

6 -
"Projects must use signed plugins using the Eclipse certificate. Exceptions must be authorized by the planning council for technical reasons. "
--> Action RS and EP ?

7 -
" Projects must use jar'ed plug-ins (with unpack=false) unless authorized by the planning council for technical reasons. Nested jars should be avoided if possible since it creates problems for projects that has dependencies to such plug-ins. The OSGi runtime is fine with it but the compiler is not able to handle classpaths that contain nested jars. In case only one nested jar exists, it is often better to expand the contents of that jar into the root folder (i.e. unnest the jar). If a plug-in contains large files that are frequently used (opened and closed), a jar'ed plug-in might degrade performance significantly since the file must be decompressed each time it is opened. "
--> Action TL and PT ?

8 -
" Projects must have build process maturity: scripted, repeatable, and executable by others. "
--> Action RS and EP ?

9 -
"Any new third-party plug-ins that are common between projects must be consumed via Orbit; the final Helios release will not have duplicate third-party libraries (note that this only applies to identical versions of the libraries; thus if project A requires foo.jar 1.6 and project B uses foo.jar 1.7, that's ok). "
--> Action to check if we need to do this one : YT ?

10 -
" Projects must optimize their own update site using pack200 to reduce bandwidth utilization and provide a better update experience for users. With the introduction of p2, project update sites must generate metadata (artifact and content repository info). "
--> Action RS and EP ?

11 -
"Should design and test for accessibility. "
--> Action YT ?

As there is a lot of tasks to be completed before M4+0, I suggest we try to complete most of them before M3 release in order to state if we are able to make it or not.

The prior task is to enable the build of Papyrus with Eclipse's mechanism. We should also start to follow the Eclipse release train (a release every 6 weeks).

Everything is described here and I suggest you to read it :

What do you think ?


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