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RE: [] Model Interchange



Thanks for your willingness to participate! To get started, could you please use Papyrus to produce a diagram similar (as close as possible) to the attached reference diagram (the first test case) and send a PNG image if it to me. Also, to participate in the interchange initiative, we will need to provide “standard” UML 2.1.1 XMI based on the semantic elements shown in the diagram. According to the rules of engagement for the working group, there should be a user-accessible action to trigger saving/exporting of the XMI, but it’s OK if that’s not the case currently (e.g. I could use the UML2 sample editor to produce it for now).


It would be great if you could do this and send me the results by (my) Monday, although I realize that may be pushing it… ;)




Kenn Hussey
Program Manager, Modeling and Design Solutions

[Embarcadero Technologies Logo]

Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. | 
82 Peter Street, Second Floor | TorontoON  M5V 2G5
Office: 416-593-1585 x9296 Mobile: 613-301-9105


From: GERARD Sebastien 166342 [mailto:Sebastien.GERARD@xxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 10:11 AM
To: Kenn Hussey
Cc: MDT UML2 mailing list; Papyrus Project list; MDT UML2 Tools mailing list
Subject: RE: [] Model Interchange


Hi Kenn,


Of course, that's sound good for us. I am also ok to work with you on that task.



Cheers… Sébastien.


De : [] De la part de Kenn Hussey
Envoyé : mercredi 11 mars 2009 20:32
À : MDT UML2 Tools mailing list; Papyrus Project list
Cc : MDT UML2 mailing list
Objet : [] Model Interchange




There is an initiative underway at the OMG to try to successfully demonstrate interchange between different products/tools that support UML modeling. To date, I have been involved the working group that is pursuing this, by helping prepare test cases. The basic idea is that, for each test case, a reference diagram and XMI serialization are provided (so far by me) and each participating vendor/tool is to 1) attempt to create the diagram from scratch using their tool and save/export the corresponding XMI and 2) attempt to open/import the XMI produced by the other vendors/tools and report on the results.


I think it should be important to us that tools based on the reference open source implementation of UML (like UML2 Tools and Papyrus) participate in this initiative. I would be happy to represent you in this initiative, but first I would need an _expression_ of interest from you (e.g. from your component/project lead) and a general commitment to fixing any issues that are identified. What do you think?


Please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns.




Kenn Hussey
Program Manager, Modeling and Design Solutions

[Embarcadero Technologies Logo]

Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. | 
82 Peter Street, Second Floor | TorontoON  M5V 2G5
Office: 416-593-1585 x9296 Mobile: 613-301-9105


Attachment: diagram.png
Description: diagram.png

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