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Re: {Disarmed} [] transfer to Eclipse SVN finished

  Hi all,

  I have switch successfully to the eclipse svn repository.
  This repository is not as easy to use as the speedy one. Especially, it two often requires the login/password, and this become annoying. If someone have a solution for that, please share it :-).

  I have put a subversion SET in
in order to help to set up a development environment.

  Unfortunately, I have some trouble to commit it. It will be committed as soon as the SVN repository let me do it :-(


TESSIER Patrick 202707 wrote:
Raphaël FAUDOU
The transfer has be done.
you can access to the Eclipse repository at the address:


The login and the password has been sent by the webmaster of eclipse.

Plugins that have benn transfered are locked in  the seedy SVN and will be suppressed  in the next week.



Patrick Tessier
Research Engineer
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Tel: 01 69 08 48 63

De : [] De la part de TESSIER Patrick 202707
Envoyé : vendredi 6 février 2009 14:02
À : etienne.juliot@xxxxxxx; Papyrus Project list
Objet : RE: [] How to structure branches and tags intheSVNEclipse

So I will put the structure of the first solution.
The SVN is running now. So I would like to do the transfer at 15h00.
Is it possible to stop development at this time. if this is not the case don't hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Patrick Tessier
Research Engineer
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Tel: 01 69 08 48 63

De : [] De la part de Etienne Juliot
Envoyé : jeudi 5 février 2009 16:27
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] How to structure branches and tagsin the SVNEclipse

+1 too. Code, doc and tests should be consistency  across branches.

Raphael FAUDOU a écrit :
+1 too for N°1

TANGUY Yann 176637 a écrit :

Approach n° 1  -> +1

De : [] De la part de Cedric Dumoulin
Envoyé : jeudi 5 février 2009 14:30
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] How to structure branches and tags in the SVNEclipse

There is two main approaches in general for SVN (I don't know Eclipse rule):

  1. You put the branches/tags/trunk dir at the root of the repository, and projects inside each one
  2. You put the branches/tags/trunk under each sub-project (as in your eaxample)

The probleme of approach 2 is that you can't get all projects  in one shoot: you need to go under each project, then choose your release (branches/tags/trunk) and then got the tree.
The approach 2 is good if you consider doc, examples, plugins and test has completely separated sub-projects.
For me, it is not the case: trunk version of doc, examples and tests are related. So, I prefer approach 1 and put them under the same trunk node in order to be able to retrieve them in one shoot.

  Just my two cents,

TESSIER Patrick 202707 wrote:


Someone knows if ther is an existing structure for branches and tags in the SVN eclipse?

If not we have to decide how to structure branches and tags before doing the transfer.

for example I propose to add branches and tags for each big directory.


                        - branches

                        - tags

                        - trunk


                        - branches

                        - tags

                        - trunk


                        - branches

                        - tags

                        + trunk





                + test

                         - branches

                        - tags

                        - trunk

I'm waiting for your opinion,                




Patrick Tessier

Research Engineer


91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

Tel: 01 69 08 48 63


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