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RE: [] TR: - PapyrusInitialCommitt

Title: Fw: - Papyrus Initial Committ
I will be on holiday so can you do you modifcation before tomorrow 12h00 pm (CET).
Patrick Tessier
Research Engineer
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Tel: 01 69 08 48 63

De : GERARD Sebastien 166342
Envoyé : jeudi 11 décembre 2008 15:33
À : gmerin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Papyrus Project list; TESSIER Patrick 202707
Objet : RE: [] TR: - PapyrusInitialCommitt



Ok, could you please do all the required modifications in the headers. In the meantime, could please write inclear sentence then names when it has not been done, e.g., Mgil => Marc Gil.

Then, Patrick can you resend me a zip of the resulting modified code that I will resend for ipzilla.

Once doing that, Patrick can you also send me an email gathering all the modifications done.



Cheers… Sébastien.


De : [] De la part de Gabriel Merin Cubero
Envoyé : mercredi 10 décembre 2008 12:19
À : TESSIER Patrick 202707
Cc : Papyrus Project list
Objet : RE: [] TR: - PapyrusInitialCommitt


Hi Patrick,
Mgil (Marc Gil) and Mario Cervera are workmates from Prodevelop and work in the same project as me. They have collaborated developing and modifying some classes of the
org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.common. Clarifying this point, I'll try to answers your questions one by one:

El mié, 10-12-2008 a las 10:14 +0100, TESSIER Patrick 202707 escribió:


I have look for each name, the location of the file that refes to this name. So I ask for each responsable of package to clarify theses points.

In green name that are clarified, in red names to clarify.



Gabriel Merin Cubero: solved see in the previous mail

  Mgil :
     (2 matches)
                                                                                  (2 matches)
                                                                                  (2 matches)
                                                                                  (2 matches)
                                                                                  (2 matches)
                                                                                  (2 matches)


                     Gabriel , this code comes from you, Could you clarify it?

ChangeViewAndElementCommand was developed by Mgil (Marc Gil) and, as I said before, is a colleague that works in the same project and in the same company.

All MessageXItemSemanticEditPolicy were developed initially by me but Mgil made some modifications as well.

YTI76637: This is Yann Tanguy it comes from mistake of eclipse configuration

Javier Muñoz :solved see in the previous mail

Jlescopt: I thinks that this is JLescot


   (3 matches)

            This is the code from Jacques Lescot from Anyware Technologies.

     Gabriel , this code comes from you. Do you use this code it.

Yes, we do use this class but it belongs to Jaques Lescot and David Sciamma. Again, the header describes two commiters while the comment just before the class definition only describes one (Jaques Lescot). I did not modify the original header. As I said in my last mail, something should be done with that comment. Remove it or update it with the list of all authors.

Mario Cerreria

                       Gabriel , this code comes from you, Could you clarify it?

This code belongs to Mario Cervera but it is used in the Sequence and Activity diagrams (at least in the two diagrams that the moskitters have contributed with). As I said before, he is a colleague that works in the same project and company.

Glefur this is Goulwen Le Fur it works for Obeo

 Melaasar. org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.activity.edit.commands.ActivityPartitionViewAlignerCommand.

                    Gabriel , this code comes from you, This is also a collegue?

No, he is not. This code was initially contributed by Melaasar (Maged Elassar, I don't know who he is, I think this code was extracted directly from GMF) and we made some modifications on it. As far as I can remember, this file did not have any initial header, only that comment just before the class definition which we just respected. I can't give you more information right now, but I'll try to clarify this as soon as possible (I'll need to check with Javier Cano since he was the one who made the MOSKitt Activity Diagram but he is not here today).


Goulwen Le Fur this is Goulwen Le Fur it works for Obeo

Wayne Diu this code comes from IBM. we have let the copyrigth IBM.




               Gabriel , this code comes from you, Could you clarify it?

This class belongs to Dstadnik (Dmitry Stadnik). No modifications have been made to this file so the file remains exactly how we found it (as before, I think this file comes directly from GMF). We should probably add the same header found in other GMF files made by him:

* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
*    Dmitry Stadnik - initial API and implementation

However, I've been searching references of this file but I haven't found any so, after checking with my colleague (Javier Cano), this class might be removed.

RS211865 this is Remi schnekenburger, it comes from mistake of eclipse configuration


    Cedric this code comes from you can you clarify?




Patrick Tessier

Research Engineer


91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

Tel: 01 69 08 48 63




De : Gabriel Merin Cubero [mailto:gmerin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : mercredi 10 décembre 2008 08:58
À : Papyrus Project list
Cc : TESSIER Patrick 202707
Objet : Re: [] TR: - Papyrus InitialCommitt


Hi everyone,
In my case, Gabriel Merin Cubero, I started working for Integranova and now I'm currently working for Prodevelop (I changed of company but not of project). That is the reason why in some parts of the code I appear as Integranova employee and others of Prodevelop. However, this two companies have been working in the same project, a project that belongs and is being paid by "
Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte, Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana". In fact, there are more companies working in this project. Therefore, independently of the company where we are working, the copyright belongs always to the "Conselleria".

This situation also applies for Javier Muñoz (we both moved from Integranova to Prodevelop).

Regarding to the UpdateLifelineRepresentsCommand, I'll have a look right now.


El mar, 09-12-2008 a las 18:26 +0100, GERARD Sebastien 166342 escribió:

Patrick and other,


Could you please have a look on the following questions?



Cheers… Sébastien.


De : Kenn Hussey [mailto:Kenn.Hussey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : mardi 9 décembre 2008 02:24
À : GERARD Sebastien 166342
Objet : Fw: - Papyrus Initial Committ


Kenn Hussey
Program Manager, Modeling and Design Solutions
Embarcadero Technologies
Sent using BlackBerry

----- Original Message -----
From: Sharon Corbett <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'Sebastien Gerard' <sebastien.gerard@xxxxxx>
Cc: Kenn Hussey
Sent: Fri Nov 28 13:22:40 2008
Subject: - Papyrus Initial Committ

Hi Sebastien;

I've started to triage the CQ for checkin based on Parallel IP but I need to understand some information concerning authors, copyright and contributors before moving forward.  In the case I’m misunderstanding, I thought to take this offline of the CQ until we know where we are.  We perform certain checks in our triage.  As such, please see the following:

§         I see a list of authors that I cannot match to the authors you have provided as follows:

Gabriel Merin Cubero



Javier Muñoz


Mario Cerreria



Goulwen Le Fur

Wayne Diu




This may not be exhaustive….

§         I also note that in the case of certain author names, the copyright holder and the contributor information do not appear to match.  Here are a couple of examples:

a.  Gabriel Cubero according to our records is an Eclipse committer employed with ProDevelop.  However, a couple of files I looked at did not contain Gabriel as a contributor and the copyright belongs to Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte, * Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana. In some cases Gabriel was listed as the contributor but as associated with (Integranova) instead?

b. and appear to have been authored by JLescot; however, the contribution and copyright holder is different from JLescot. 

c. contains glefur as the author bug again the copyright and contribution is different.  And again who is glefur?

Please note, that for any contributors to the code and/or authors, we need to ensure the correct attribution is given.  Also, if these folks are not committers we have to confirm provenance.  This can be done via a series of questions we can provide to you to get answered.  In some cases, we may need Employer Consents signed.  Emilien Perico is not a committer and we will need Atos to provide an Employer Consent Form to cover his contribution.  For any existing Eclipse files that may be re-used in this contribution that have not been modified, the copyright header on the original file stays as is.  If any existing Eclipse files have been modified, again the original copyright info remains as is and the contributor section is simply updated with the correct information.

I wanted to get this out to you before end of day so that you know I am not ignoring the CQ you have filed.  I’ll wait to hear from you to determine next steps.  It may be possible that some of these issues were simple errors and you can just provide a new attachment to the CQ.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Sharon Corbett-Gütz
Intellectual Property Analyst
Eclipse Foundation Inc.
Tel:  613-224-9461 ext. 232

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