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Re: [] Notes of the preccomitting meeting


  I think that the plugin names are not appropriate. 'def' doesn't denote the content of the plugin.
  It looks like this is needed for the code generation. Maybe we should have a namespace for all plugins related to code generation. Here is a proposal:
  • oep.codegen
  • oep.codegen.preferences
  • oep.codegen.preferences.def
  • ...
  Futhermore, your plugins have errors:
Bundle 'org.openarchitectureware.dependencies' cannot be resolved    MANIFEST.MF    org.eclipse.papyrus.def/META-INF    line 6    Plug-in Problem
  Can you correct it asap ?

Thibault LANDRE wrote:

thanks for the feedback Patrick.

A few comments on my latest development, on this notes and on the actual svn :

My latest development :
For the preference, I have created the template to generate the code.
I have overriden some of the template of GMF and create new ones for my specific classes.

To launch this generation, you will need the "org.eclipse.papyrus.codegen" that contains the "Papyrus Generation Action". This plugin allows you to generate the preference with the rest of the GMF code.

The templates, and the models, are contained in the "org.eclipse.papyrus.def"

To work, all the models should be include in this plugin.
You also need to make the generation in a runtime environment (or to include the org.eclipse.papyrus.codegen into your eclipse configuration)
to have available the action "Generate Papyrus Diagram".

Notes :
- the preferences are not indicated on the slide (but present on the core feature in the svn).
- the org.eclipse.papyrus.tabbedproperties.appearance is also not present. This plugin is necessary to have the "Appearance" tab on the properties view.
Nevertheless, it seems that the gradient functionnality  disabled the changing of background and foreground color (bug ?).
So I think, it should be ok to include this tab later.
- For the licence, it should be available in a "about.html" file at the root of the plugin.
See :

- I have update the source of org.eclipse.papyrus.wizards to be compliant with Java 1.5 (Rémi had already done it for and .classpath files).
- I think it should be good to have a psf per feature, to easily set up a development environment (org.eclipse.papyrus.releng). Those psf should always be synchronized with the feature.
- When I check out the core feature, the following plugins are missing :
In my opinion, the core feature should be the main feature of Papyrus and shouldn't depend on the UML feature. So the org.eclipse.umlutils and org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.common should be included in the core feature instead.

I'll try to implement the preference for the ClassDiagram and also fix the initialization of the preference by the end of the week.



TESSIER Patrick 202707 a écrit :
I send you slides that are notes of the precommitting meeting.
Patrick Tessier
Research Engineer
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Tel: 01 69 08 48 63 <>

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