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Re: [] Pivot to AS renaming

Hi Adolfo

I have saving and loading working from a JUnit test; just some plugin content-type registrations to sort out to make loading in the SAmple Ecore Model Editor work....

On 27/08/2013 09:52, Adolfo Sanchez-Barbudo Herrera wrote:
A QVTi CS text file: "*.qvti"
A QVTi CS XMI file: "*.qvti.xmi"
A QVTi AS XMI file: "*.qvti.oclas"

I guess that a QVTiAS as XMI file, should similarly use qvtias? definietely better than qvti.oclas, in my opinion. With content types usage, I guess that xmi file extensions could also "clash".
There is no need for a *.oclas wrapper on derived pivots since these are created directly by editors/compilers/builders. In contrast e.g. xxx.ecore.oclas, or yyy.uml.oclas, or is needed so that the *.oclas ResourceFactory creates a resource that automatically performs the conversion from xxx.ecore since xxx.ecore.oclas probably does not exist.


A QVTi CS text file: "*.qvti"
A QVTi CS XMI file: "*.qvtics"
A QVTi AS XMI file: "*.qvtias"

(The only advantage of *.oclas for QVT* is the reduced number of preferences to set up to ensure that the Sample EcoreEditor is opened by double clicking.)

I've made major changes in the Resource/ResourceFactory area that merited quite a few AS to Pivot renames.

It is probably much more efficient for me to repeat the QVTd changes for QVTo rather than you trying to copy and then struggling to debug oversights. Let me know when there is a convenient two-day window when I can do the changes without causing you a merge nightmare.


        Ed Willink

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