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Re: [] Kepler SR1 RC1

Hi Ed,

Comments in-line below.

Comments in-lined below
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Ed Willink <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Adolfo

SR1 RC1 is built and contributed.

Since the classic functionality has no changes it is 4.1.0 with a more recent qualifier.

Some plugins (those corresponding with branding plugins) will change its qualifier regardless the source code change or it doesn´t. 

When we created the 4.1.1 repo, should we have seeded it with the 4.1.0 content so that it could be re-used?

I guess you mean the maintenance repo. I guess it could be convenient for the first build, although the first build could also be configured to use a different reference repository to compare with.

Is it too late to wipe the 'new' classic artefacts from 4.1.1, copy the 4.1.0 artefacts and rebuild?

If I´m understading the problem well enough, in principle my response is:
1. It´s not necessary, simply use 4.1.0 as the reference repository
2. The result could be pretty similar: some plugins will still change their qualifier segment. If every "classic" pluging (including those non-branding one) has changed its qualifier, I´d do 1 to have a nice SR1 contribution,



        Ed Willink
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