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Re: [] Build is running

Hi Adolfo,

Oops, the build failed...

Back to your comment, yes, this S-build should use the branch. It's worth to check the releng folder (in the branch) for references to HEAD and to update them.

You might be already doing it but in case you don't, there is a good way to understand what is going on in the releng by looking at the build server file system while the build is running. You can ssh to and peek into the folders referred to in the hudson console log. For instance, there you can see which is used...

- Alex.

2010/8/10 Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera <adolfosbh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Team,

I've tried to run a build which should produce our MDT/OCL 3.0.1RC1. Several comments:

- I'm not sure that an usual S-build as being explained in is what we need, since it would probably use the map file from HEAD when we need to use the map file from R3_0_maintenance. I've tried to run the integration build with the following Extraflags: "-buildAlias 3.0.1RC1 -forceContextQualifier -fetchTag R3_0_maintenance" so that It's supposed to use the code in the maintenance BRANCH which is what we need. I suppose that the file from the BRANCH is not used, anyway I've used the Releng Tools to update said file.
- The next step, should be promoting the build. If we follow Alex's instructions an Stable SR RC1 release should appear in our downloads webpage. However, I'm not sure how we are going to finally  (In september) promote our maintenance release. Anyway, we will be using buckminster at that time so, who cares....
- As part of the build I've simply updated the file to update the DependencyURLs and repositoryURLS:
    - Eclipse Platform dependency URL: I considered using the M20100806-0800 maintenance build
    - Xtext, Xpand, and Mwe which have already built and promote a RC1 build.
    - EMF and UML are kept as they were (I didnt find any RC1 build).
    - Orbit is kept as it is, LPG has not changed so no need to change dependency.

I'm afraid I have to leave to home, so I'm not able to promote the build since it's still running and I don't have Internet access at home yet. Ed, Alex, if the build goes fine (it should finish in 30 minutes) any of you is available to run the promotion script, please do it. I'll come back to the office early in the morning to do it just in case we don't still have a promoted MDT/OCL SR RC1.

Thanks in advance,
Open Canarias, S.L.
Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera
C/Elías Ramos González, 4, ofc. 304
Tel.: +34 922 240231

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