Today we
started our development sprint for the Eclipse mdmbl project
version 0.7. The sprint will end on 21th July 2017 (42 days). Four
developers are assigned from the openMDM(R) Eclipse Working Group
to do this. If anybody else wants to support us, please contact us
through this list.
The way we
want to do our work:
- We will work transparent and in the open
- Design decisions will be documented on this list
- New features will be described in Eclipse Bugzilla
issues [1]
- Development is done on dev-branches, not on the git
master (last stable version 0.6)
discussed today in the telco:
- Workshop organization and agenda
- Alex and Mandar are setting up their development
environments this week
- Bug 517057 was assigned to Alex
- Bugs 518062, 51065 were assigned to Matthias
- Every team member will extend and review the setup
guide and the project documentation
- Summary of our development telcos will be reported on
this mailing list
If anybody
else wants to support us, please contact us through this list.
Help us to find our bugs and report them!
telco: 19.06.2017, 10:00
Angelika Wittek
openMDM(R) EWG toolkit manager