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Re: [m2t-dev] Fw: Galileo review preparation

Hi Paul,

I have put another item in the agenda...
Thanks a lot for the template ;-)

Concerning the IP log
I'm not sure for the file format
Here is the Acceleo IP log file :

I'm not sure for the "Third Party Software" section because we have had 2 CQs this year : 2511 and 2518

    MTL Version: 0.7.0,unmodified source,Object Management Group License,2511
    MTL MOF Models To Text Transformation Language Specification Version: 1.0,unmodified source,Object Management Group License,2518

Please, can you give me your feedback?



Paul Elder a écrit :

A reminder:

Each component releasing for Galileo needs to prepare and submit release review slides by Friday. Accelio and Xpand can use the M2T-JET presentation as a template, if they like.

Also, I must submit the M2T IP log by June 3. I have reviewed things for JET, but I would like confirmation from Accelio and Xpand that everything is in order from their point of view.

I have added both these items to the con-call agenda for Thursday.


----- Forwarded by Paul Elder/Ottawa/IBM on 27/05/2009 11:04 AM -----
From: Anne Jacko <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "" <>, cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 26/05/2009 04:41 PM
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] Galileo review preparation

Hello Galileo participants,

Thanks for your continuing work and attention in getting ready for this release! We are approaching our June 10 review date, and this note is to remind you of some deadlines that are fast approaching.

As always, you don't need to wait until the final deadline to submit! Earlier is better, and this especially applies to projects using the IP Log Tool (see below for more on this).

Review Slides
  • Deadline for submitting to EMO is Friday, May 29 (submit via email to emo@xxxxxxxxxxx)
  • Please submit two pdfs for your review docuware
    • the "full deck" of slides for your project, making sure to include the information listed here: [1]
    • a "mini deck" -- two to four slides summarizing your Galileo release; here's an example of one from Ganymede:  [2]

IP Log
  • Deadline for submitting to the IP Team (emo-ip-team@xxxxxxxxxxx) is Wednesday, June 3
  • Projects are encouraged to use the IP Log Tool [3]. If you are not familiar with the tool, we suggest that you try it out, look at the output, and use the documentation to correct any issues before submitting the final log. If you ask EMO for help with the tool before Friday, May 29, we will do our best to assist you.

Thanks again, and please let us know is you have questions or need help (via email to emo@xxxxxxxxxxx).

Anne Jacko


Below is Wayne's original post about the Galileo review, for your reference:


Hey folks. Here are the dates for Galileo:

*May 29*: Deadline for IP team to review all Galileo CQs

* The IP Team has committed to completing the reviews of all CQs for
  Galileo by May 29th.
* Please respond as quickly as possible to questions from the IP
  Team concerning your CQs to ensure timely processing.

*May 29*: Deadline for submitting review docuware

* We understand that the results from the IP reviews may change the
  contents of your docuware. If you need an extension, please let
emo@xxxxxxxxxxx know.
* If you can complete and submit your docuware ahead of the
  deadline, please do so. This will give the EMO time to review it.
* If you need help assembling your review docuware, please contact
  your PMC or
* Projects are encouraged to make sure that their project metadata
  is up-to-date in the portal [1].

*June 3*: Deadline for submitting IP Log

* In order to provide projects with time required to put the
  finishing touches on their IP logs, we've set the deadline for the
  IP Logs to be three business days after the CQ deadline, and one
  week before the release review date.
* Again, we ask that those project that are able to submit their IP
  Logs in advance of the deadline to please do so.
* Please ensure that your project's IP Log is properly recorded in
  the portal [1].
* Any projects that wish to use the Automated IP Log Tool [2] are
  encouraged to do so. If you want/need assistance with the tool,
  please contact

*June 10*: Review date

* Standard practice is to hold a review call only when requested.
  Regardless of this, we're going to hold the review call anyway.
  Please plan to attend. Anne will send out the details.
* The review call will be for Q&A only. Everybody please review the
  slides in advance of the call and come prepared with your questions.


Every project/component needs to send in a separate slide deck (if you have a separate ".build" file in the / project [3], then your project is considered to be a separate project/component). We also ask that you provide an additional "mini-deck" of three to four slides with an overview of your project. We will combine the mini-decks into an overview section of the Ganymede Release slide deck. We will archive the "normal" slide deck you send as your project-specific Ganymede release docuware, as well as include it in the Ganymede Release slide deck that is used for the review call.

The due date for the slide decks is Friday, May 29. You are welcome and encouraged to send them in earlier! Please include both the source file (such as PPT, or ODP) and a PDF version of the slides.




Anne Jacko

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