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[m2t-dev] Alarm: Reminder: M2T Committers ConCall at 16/04/2009 11:00 AM

Link to the document: Alarm: Reminder: M2T Committers ConCall at 16/04/2009 11:00 AM

Call Information

Call Information
Conference ID 1556241
Local Dial-in number 613-787-5018
Toll-free Dial-in number 1 866-842-3549
International Toll-free Dial-in number 800-4444-7070
Information 1 866 224-5844
    • International Toll-free number notes
        • Dialing from a cellular networks does not appear to work
        • If the conference ID is not recognized, try again. After the third failure, you will be transfered to an operator who will ask for the conference ID (1556241), sponsoring company (IBM) and meeting organizer (Paul Elder).
        • European callers will will find it fastest to immediately press *0 to talk to an operator.

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