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Re: [m2e-users] Inspect/debug-shell failures with photon / m2e / wtp

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 9:46 AM Fred Bricon <fbricon@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The problem occurs in "serve modules without publishing" too. The best way to workaround it is by disabling Advanced source lookup, in Preferences > Java > Debug, as Igor mentioned.
Correction: "serve modules without publishing"  does work. I messed up my check.

I did contribute advanced source lookup support in the Tomcat server adapter for Photon, so navigating into the Tomcat stack, sources are properly displayed, when advanced source lookup is enabled. 

The problem is that regression with inspecting code in 3rd party libraries.

@Igor I remember about the new import binary project menu in the debug view, when right-clicking on a frame, but after importing commons-lang3 as a project, debugging on tomcat fails because of a CNFE. Definitely something fishy here. 

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 9:01 AM Laurent Almeras <lalmeras@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks Igor,

Activating "Serve modules without publishing" is a working workaround for the use-case I build and our problematic projects. I'll try to give a feedback after further testing.

Is there any interest into opening an issue ? Where should I create it (WTP, m2e WTP, other project ?).

Thanks again,


Le 17/09/2018 à 14:08, Igor Fedorenko a écrit :
Looks like WTP has not been updated to work with the new Advanced source lookup implementation we introduced in JDT in Photon. I am not using WTP, but I think "Serve modules without publishing" in Tomcat Server Options should solve the problem. Alternatively, you can disable advanced source lookup in Eclipse Preferences under Java/Debug, but you'll be missing things like automatic Tomcat sources download.


On Mon, Sep 17, 2018, at 6:46 AM, Laurent Almeras wrote:

I have a repeatable failure with Photon / m2e / wtp projects. I'm not sure it is related with m2e, but as I think it is highly related with the way project's build path is configured, your insight may be important. Also I found no report about this issue, so I think it is not an issue for vanilla Eclipse project.

TLDR; Inspect and Debug shell is impossible in dependencies in a WTP Tomcat Server with Photon (Unable to evaluate the selected _expression_). It used to work with Oxygen. I find a workaround, but this bug is really annoying. Only Debug Server is buggy ; a Debug as... Junit test works fine.

This bug can be reproduced following this steps :
* download jee package for eclipse photon (buildid 20180619-1200, eclipse m2e, eclipse m2e wtp
* clone this repository : (very minimal use-case)
* with Git Perspective, add the git repository and import the selected project. Maven nature is detected automatically
* create a Tomcat 9.0 Server and add the test webapp
* Debug Tomcat server
* put a breakpoint on TestServlet.doGet
* step in StringUtils.isAllBlank(...)
* perform an inspect or debug-shell on "ArrayUtils.isEmpty(css)"
* it fails with "Unable to evaluate the selected _expression_"

A known workaround for this is :
* click on the stacktrace in debug view
* right-click -> Edit source lookup
* tick Search for duplicate source -> apply
* choose StringUtils.class in the list (opposed to org/apache/commons/...)
* inspect/debug-shell is working again ; but this process must be done for all class you want to debug

Do you reproduce this issue ? Do you think it is m2e related (the way maven project is configured) or wtp related ? How can I help to fix this issue ?


Laurent Almeras
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