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[m2e-users] m2e-wtp: support for test-jar in Eclipse Tomcat deployment



I have an Eclipse project that is a Web Module (call it webapp), which I use to deploy my code to a local Tomcat server.  The project contains a POM that has <packaging>war</packaging>.  The majority of my code is kept in other Eclipse projects within the same Workspace.  All of the other projects’ POMs have <packaging>jar</packaging>, as you’d expect.


I configured the dependencies in the webapp POM to refer to the other project modules and this works just fine for the most part – m2e-wtp does its thing and the Deployment Assembly of webapp gets updated with references to the dependent projects.  I can successfully deploy the webapp project to Tomcat and use all of the classes from my other projects.  Everything works fine.


The problem comes when I want to access test classes from my other projects within my webapp deployment.  I can’t seem to figure out how to make the test classes visible.  I tried adding another dependency, this time qualified with <type>test-jar</type>, but that doesn’t seem to work.  The test classes do not seem to be available to the rest of my code when deployed in Tomcat.


Do I need to do something special to get test classes to show up in my deployed webapp?  Is this use of test-jar type expected to work with m2e-wtp?


Thanks in advance for your time.


Best regards,


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