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[m2e-users] Different behavior in test and manually when retrieving Dependencies of DependencyManagement


In my code, I'm calling:

File pomFile = new File(project.getFile("pom.xml").getLocation().toOSString());
Model m2m = MavenPlugin.getMaven().readModel(pomFile);
List<Dependency> dependencies = m2m.getDependencyManagement().getDependencies();

The dependencyManagement section in my pom is:


The content of "dependencies" is different when launched in tests and when I try manually. It has been the same content for several other versions of the bom that I use.

So for all versions, except one, 'dependencies' contains the artefact only.
And for a single version and only in test, it contains the full list of all dependencies managed by the pom.

I don't understand:
- how it is possible to have a different content for the list
- why it is only for a single version in automated test

Any suggestions on what I should have a look and on the reasons explaining the behavior that I don't understand are welcome.


Aurelien Pupier
Senior Software Engineer in JBoss Fuse Tooling team

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