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Re: [m2e-users] Multi pom file project

The plugin has options for include/exclude for the client ejb, but the server ejb only has excludes. And unfortunately the way the module is designed I only want to include some of the files (the ejbs) in the ejb jar and not all the supporting/library files.

I tried refactoring out the ejb definitions into a separate package but there are just too many interdependencies to extract them easily without some significant recoding.

Right now, the ejb is built by ant by selecting individual files in the packager.



On May 20, 2016 5:10 PM, "Fred Bricon" <fbricon@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
@Matthew - good call.  I started to modify my stuff in order to use the shade plugin, but then realized I was still in trouble.  I need to generate an EJB package and the only way I know how to do that with the EJB plugin is to point to .class files.  Which means that I need to unpack my lib to generate the EJB package and the client EJB. 

I would use the maven-ejb-plugin on the main lib package and append a classifier, but the problem is that there is no "include" in the ejb-plugin - only excludes.  Which means that I need to manually list every file that I don't want in that package, which is just too large and complicated.  Instead, I was looking at using the dependenc-plugin to only unpack the files that I need for my EJB package.

Unless you have any any suggestions to simplify that?



On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Matthew Piggott <mpiggott@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If all the common code (or all of it, if you want) is in a single library you can also filter the contents w/ the shade plugin -

The caveat with this approach is that Eclipse will not consider the filtering, thus if the projects are in your workspaces then other projects which depend on them will see classes which may be excluded in the final build.

On 19 May 2016 at 13:42, Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Apparently, you are right.  Unpack seems to only work in post-package phases, I guess due to the way that m2e assembles its build priorities.

So, I'm back to the starting point.  The problem with the shade plugin is that I am trying to avoid refactoring classes into different packages, mostly because the code base is so fragmented that I'm entirely sure what gets broken when things get moved.  Right now, Ant selectively picks and chooses which files to compile/package from the module for each artifact.

If I keep all the files in the same module, and then only extract the required files that I want, I can then repackage them using the jar plugin or the ejb-plugin and generate client ejbs based on the selected files (easy to accomplish via the unpack goal).

However, like you just pointed out, unpack doesn't work well in Eclipse, so I'm a little back up the proverbial creek.  I don't see how the shade plugin will necessarily help out, unless I start refactoring files into separate packages, in which case I can imagine that I might want to augment a jar with files from a previously compiled jar.

Unless I'm still looking at this upside down?



On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Matthew Piggott <mpiggott@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Unless something has changed unpack won't play nice in Eclipse.

I don't think you're understanding what I suggested.

On 18 May 2016 at 15:15, Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That's kind of what I am trying to do right now as well.  The only catch to that is that the full "library.jar" file contains extra classes that i don't want in it.

So at the moment, my plan is to :
a) Build library.jar with a classifier DO_NOT_CONSUME which contains all the classes.
b) Use the dependency:unpack in the sub modules to selectively unpack the resources I want to have in each module and reassemble them accordingly.

It's a very ugly/clunky solution, and wish I had a better option.

If you have any brilliant ideas how to improve, I'd love to hear them.


On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Matthew Piggott <mpiggott@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Have your common code ("library.jar") in one module.  Then have the other modules (secured, unsecured, etc) declare it as a dependency, you can use the maven shade plugin to bundle the dependencies into the jar.

On 18 May 2016 at 14:48, Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Matthew,

Can you please expand on your concept?  It is tickling something in the back of my mind but I just can't seem to grasp it precisely... 



On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 1:17 PM, Matthew Piggott <mpiggott@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Have one module with the common code then create other modules which shade in the common code dep.

On 18 May 2016 at 12:48, Anton Tanasenko <atg.sleepless@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Eric,
Every eclipse project must reside in its own dir, it doesn't allow mixing multiple projects in the same directory.
Eclipse also doesn't allow storing any of its resources outside of their respective project's dir.

So you should definitely convert your project into a proper multimodule build. There is no way your setup will work correctly in eclipse otherwise.

2016-05-18 19:09 GMT+03:00 Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx>:
Sure - but the problem is that they all use the same sources.  And refactoring the code base into 4 separate modules is not really an option.

Right now I'm playing around with poms in subfolders that use :

but that means I have to override all the defaults in the maven pom, which is a royal nuissance.  And I'm not even convinced that all plugins will work properly.



On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Jeff Jensen <jjensen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Best is to move them to 4 separate modules/directory structures.  Then it will work without issues.

On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am migrating a legacy app to maven and am having miserable time with one module in particular.  The way the Ant script worked is that it built 3 or 4 artifacts from the same code base.
 - secure-EJB.jar (some subset of classes)
 - secure-EJB-client.jar (client EJB)
 - unsecure-EJB.jar (another subset of classes)
 - library.jar (regular java library with the bulk of classes, apart from the EJB beans/facades)

At first I tried to get Maven to build everything via a single pom, but that was just a recipe for disaster (and broke just about every maven convention I know), so I abandoned the concept altogether. 

Instead, I ended up with 4 poms - each building to a separate target/ folder:
- pom.xml (parent pom, defines all the dependencies required for the build, and includes the 3 next poms as modules)
- pom-ejb-secure.xml (inherits pom.xml)
- pom-ejb-unsecure.xml (inherits pom.xml)
- pom-jar.xml (inherits pom.xml)

pom.xml (snippet):




From a command line build (ex: mvn clean deploy), everything works properly, and as expected.  All artifacts are independently built and deployed, at the cost of recompiling the classes for each pom.

However, I have no idea how to load/configure this in Eclipse/m2e such that it sees the different artifacts produced, and more importantly is able to resolve against them when referenced in other open projects (Enable Workspace Resolution).

When I import the maven project, it just "loads" the parent pom.xml and does not recognize that there are modules that need to be loaded/resolved as well.

Is there anything I can do about this?



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