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Re: [m2e-users] Access restrictions on JavaFX 8 classes with m2e 1.4.1


On 2014-04-08, 2:07, Geir Helleloid wrote:

I am running OSX 10.8.5, Java 8 (build 1.8.0-b132), Eclipse Kepler SR
2 with the Java 8 support patch release, and m2e
If I create a new Java project containing a Java class that imports
JavaFX classes, I get no errors/warnings. For example:

import javafx.application.*;
import javafx.stage.*;

public class TestApp extends Application {

     public void start(Stage stage) {


But the moment I choose Configure->Convert to Maven Project, I get
build warnings like "Access restriction: The type Application is not
accessible due to restriction on required library

Maven builds the project with no problems, and if I add JavaFX as a
system scope dependency, the warnings go away. At first I thought it
was a problem with Eclipse's Java 8 support - that Eclipse defined the
wrong access rules for the JRE 8 system library - but that doesn't
explain why the warnings only appear when the project is converted to
a Maven project.

This appears to me to be a bug in m2e 1.4.1, but I don't see a
corresponding issue in the issue tracker.  So what's the verdict:
known issue, new issue, or something I'm doing wrong?

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