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Re: [m2e-users] maven plugin integration tips?

> I couldn't even find a place to poke for a release to get Tomcat 7 support in central.

I believe that's already done on trunk;

> The links for the compatible plugins wiki page is helpful as is the eclipse bug pointing out the problem with the missing jspweb.xml file

I simply use two different war-plugin profiles; one uses web.xml when running with m2e (and hence the plugin is disabled) and one uses jspweb.xml when not running in m2e. But why not work with the existing plugin maintainers to see if they will accept your patches?


On 6 May 2013 20:29, Eric Dalquist <eric.dalquist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks for the response. I'm actually forking the codehaus JSPC plugin as I couldn't even find a place to poke for a release to get Tomcat 7 support in central. I'm also addressing the fact that the plugin is not currently thread-safe and a few other minor issues.

The links for the compatible plugins wiki page is helpful as is the eclipse bug pointing out the problem with the missing jspweb.xml file, I'll see if I can come up with a solution for the plugin that works transparently for the project. Perhaps detecting M2E and simply copying the web.xml to jspweb.xml if the build is running from eclipse.


On 05/06/2013 01:19 PM, Greg Thomas wrote:
Firstly, be aware, if you're not already, that a plugin for JSPC compilation already exists; /

The current release, 2.0-alpha-3, despite the alpha label is stable and runs fine; it works with Tomcat 5 and Tomcat 6. The trunk also works with Tomcat 7, but isn't packaged up formally yet.

There's also a ticket open for this plugin on M2E integration - - that has links to the relevant page, namely

However, I find it just as easy to simply disable the JSPC compilation when running under M2E; it also aids with debugging. See for details of how this works for the afore mentioned plugin - you may find it easier to simply use this technique. either explicitly with another profile, or by detecting the presence of M2E within your plugin.



On 6 May 2013 17:41, Eric Dalquist <eric.dalquist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm working on an update JSP compilation plugin and wondering how best
to make sure it plays nice with m2e. The plugin takes the JSP files and
generates java code, compiles that java code into class files, copies
those into the output directory and then modifies the web.xml file.

The plugin binds to process-classes to do all of the compilation/generation.

Are there things I should/should not do to get this plugin to nicely
integrate into m2e?


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