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Re: [m2e-users] Adding resources to jar

On 18/12/2012 15:00, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
If you are looking for a way to produce packaged jar from eclipse,
RunAs->MavenBuild... "clean install" or "clean package" is essentially
the same as running corresponding goals from command line and will
filter resources.

If you are looking for a way to work on the project in m2e workspace,
filtered resources are automatically generated in project
target/classes. No additional configuration is required.

Attached find slightly cleaned up version of your test project (removed
proprietary oracle dependency), which I tested to work as described
above in m2e 1.3 m4.
Yours or mine works with bare maven or through "RunAs->Maven build..." (which is ~ the same, if I get it right).
My problem is with eclipse standard "Export JAR" feature.

Thanks anyway, I will try to evangelize the Run As -> Maven Build method.


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