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Re: [m2e-users] m2e import project process
Thanks for the answer Igor
From your answer it is still not clear to me which maven plugin is actually generating the eclipse files? it is after all the maven-eclipse-plugin or is it m2e? specifically the files in .settings
And about tycho, i reviewed tycho for a long time and at the end i concluded it was not what i needed, but i believe you are talking specifically about the Tycho project Configurators and not tycho as a whole, is that right?
If you mean to use Tycho as a whole for my builds instead of MBP because of the need for PDE integration, i don't want real pde integration, i don't want a manifest first workflow with its p2 requirements and high-coupling with eclipse. I am doing everything with MBP and i just need to be able to run the application in eclipse for development purposes, but i learnt that i can do that without full-blown PDE integration. I just need to create a target platform with all the dependencies and have the manifest in a directory that the eclipse launcher can recognise.
If on the other hand you meant just the Tycho Project Configurator, i can't find any documentation on it, how to use it or what it does, do you have any links? all google finds is people complaining that it is incompatible with m2e in eclipse 4.2.1
Thanks again,
Igor Fedorenko ---2012-10-10 07:12:04 PM---At very high level, during project import and configuration update m2e executes logic specific to ea
From: Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <m2e-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date: 2012-10-10 07:12 PM
Subject: Re: [m2e-users] m2e import project process
Sent by: <m2e-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
At very high level, during project import and configuration update m2e
executes logic specific to each of the maven plugins bound to project
build lifecycle. Wiki [1] provides some info and I'll be talking about
this in couple of weeks during eclipsecon eu [2].
Since you are asking about pde, you may be interested in m2e/tycho
integration you can install from preferences->maven->discovery. It
provides support for both tycho and maven-bundle-plugin projects and may
already do what you need.
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_plugin_execution_not_covered
On 12-10-10 6:53 PM, Alejandro.Endo@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Can someone explain a bit the process that takes place when one checks
> out a maven project from SCM (which i imagine is just a checkout +
> import existing maven project, but correct me if I'm wrong). RTFM are
> accepted if there is a link to the FM, i couldn't find any documentation
> on this aspect of m2e
> At the beginning I thought it internally called eclipse:eclipse but then
> i read that eclipse:eclipse was not "compatible" with m2e so now I don't
> know how or who generates all the .project, .classpath and all the
> eclipse specific files.
> Ultimately what I am trying to accomplish is to have maven or m2e
> generate an extra file/ org.eclipse.pde.core.prefs/ in .settings so
> understanding the import process will help me know which plugin I need
> to configure to generate this extra file
> Thanks,
> Alejandro
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