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Re: [m2e-users] Maven plugins Error + NullPointerException

On 12-02-21 11:25 PM, Kedar Soparkar wrote:
1. Do these 2 Maven plugins work with the current version of m2e in
Eclipse Indigo out of the box?
groupId = org.codehaus.mojo
artifactId = apt-maven-plugin
version = 1.0-alpha-3
groupId =
artifactId = maven-jaxb-plugin
version = 1.1.1
If they do, do they require any special configuration to work in m2e?
This is because I can build the project without any issues using an
independent Maven 3.0.3 installation. But with m2e, I get: "No
marketplace entries found to handle ..." with the goal "process" with
apt-maven-plugin & "generate" with maven-jaxb-plugin.
If they don't, is the requisite Eclipse plugin available at the m2e
marketplace? Or, will I have to write a new plugin?

This message indicates that there is no support for these maven plugins
in m2e discovery catalog.

2. What is the reason for java.lang.NullPointerException's (scanning
errors) encountered while importing a multi-module Maven project? How do
I pin-point the exact lines that are causing these exceptions?

You need to at least provide a full stack trace. Better yet, complete
standalone project that demonstrates the problem.


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