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Re: [m2e-users] Maven/M2E and eclipse projects.

The easiest is really to check-in JDT code formatter configuration to
your scm.


On 12-02-09 3:57 PM, Niranjan Rao wrote:
We use maven/m2e/eclipse combo for our work. We start with importing
master maven pom file in eclipse and our eclipse projects get
created/imported. Our source control system is set up to ignore eclipse
generated project files as we don't want to check in anything generated.
It all works nicely and not problems on this end.

What we would like to do is set up some common eclipse preferences for
all the projects to ensure standard coding style across all developers
and follow java best practices. Example is re-organize imports setting
in eclipse, reformat code when file is saved, and standard line widths
(we prefer 120 characters as against standard 80 eclipse default) to
state the few.

It seems like m2e can be configured to generate some of these settings
using project configurator, but could not find any examples.

Any thoughts how we can achieve this functionality? It would be much
nicer to have project specific entries generated from maven pom
configuration and everyone will share same settings automatically.

I don't mind writing some code for the m2extension, but I am not
familiar with eclipse guts and don't know what needs to be done.

With many thanks in advance,
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