Well, Fred… I’m taking the advice.
My firs BUG (?) is here : https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/MECLIPSEWTP-203
vennlig hilsen
Bjørn Willy Arntzen

Kommunal Landspensjonskasse gjensidig forsikringsselskap
Dronning Eufemias gate 10, 0191 Oslo, Pb 400, Sentrum, 0103 Oslo
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vegne av Fred Bricon
Sendt: 1. desember 2011 10:53
Til: Maven Integration for Eclipse users mailing list
Emne: Re: [m2e-users] Missing resources in m2e-wtp\ear-resources
I'd be interested in hearing about "Still a lot of
issues". If you keep them for yourself, don't expect them to be fixed
anytime soon :-)
Fred Bricon
2011/12/1 Bjørn Willy Arntzen <Bjorn-Willy.Arntzen@xxxxxx>
I’m deploying Web Apps in RAD 8.0.3 Test Environment with m2e
and m2e-wtp. Still a lot of issues, but some tings are actually
working ( ….)
One of my missing pieces is that I have a file
ibm-application-bnd.xmi in my META-INF source directory, but this file is not
copied into the \target\m2e-wtp\ear-resources\META-INF\ directory. This leads
to a incomplete deploy. If I copy this manually and the deploy it into the Test
Environment, everything’s working fine.
Is it possible to configure m2e(or m2e-wtp) to copy certain (or
all) files from \src\main\application\META-INF\ to the
\target\m2e-wtp\ear-resources\META-INF\ ?
vennlig hilsen
Bjørn Willy Arntzen
m2e-users mailing list
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