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Re: [m2e-users] On handling of generated code

[ Sorry about lack of References header for threading, but I only just subscribe to this list ]

I have some Maven project that are purely WSDL generation projects so they do not have any other source folder than the generated area.

I found that in the pom.xml setting:
<project ...>
<sourceDirectory>${}/generated-sources/wsdl-wsimport-antrun</sourceDirectory><!-- for WsImport based Ant -->

I can use "Run As -> Maven -> clean" then "Run As -> Maven -> generate-sources" if it suceeds, I can then use "Maven -> Update Project Configuration" and the folder now always comes back (providing it exists).

For Axis1 I used:
<sourceDirectory>${}/generated-sources/axistools/wsdl2java</sourceDirectory><!-- for Axis1 and axistools-maven-plugin -->

For Axis2 I used:
<sourceDirectory>${}/generated-sources/axis2/wsdl2code/src</sourceDirectory><!-- for Axis2 and axis2-wsdl2code-maven-plugin -->

With regard to the Eclipse bug#361549 good work.

I think that creating the folder if it doesn't already exist is a sound idea. So long as it is inside the ${} tree.

I think it should continue to be an error condition if the folder is outside of that tree and I don't think the M2E plugin should create that folder. This contains the damage typos can do and also hilights better to the user they need to take charge of creating a folder in src/main/myfoobar if that is the folder.



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