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Re: [m2e-users] Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle


If you use the build-helper plugin to add your extra source folder to the Maven module, then you have to use the corresponding build-helper M2E lifecycle plugin (installed from M2E marketplace) that make M2E "understand" that there is an extra source folder.

Either use the quick-fix that looks up the build-helper extension or explicitly install it from the M2E marketplace (you can open it from the M2E preference page).

If you don't use the build-helper (i.e. the torque maven plugin adds the generated source folder behind the scene), I don't think M2E will add the extra source folder automatically, at least until there is an extension dedicated to this specific plugin. In that last case, you can amend your pom.xml to use the build-helper (adding explicitely twice the same extra source folder). At least, this is what I've applied as a workaround for some other plugins.

From what I've found out, this is one of the major difference between 0.12 and 1.0. Unfortunately it seems to be the price to pay to reach a stable integration and reproductible Eclipse builds.


Le 21 juin 2011 à 21:33, Damon Jacobsen a écrit :

            I have indeed done an "update project configuration" dozens of times now. The problem I have is slightly different form the referenced bug, in that the source folders are not added to my eclipse project at all. I can manually add the generated source, but as soon as I "update project configuration" again, they are gone. If is like the build-helper plugin is not even getting called, or that changes it makes are not persisted.

Vincent Vandenschrick
 Jspresso Framework

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