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Re: [m2e-users] Strange error in WTP webapp

Yes - everything works fine in the CLI.  There are 5 <webResource> sections in the pom and 3 of them refer to files outside of the project. If I comment out the last one (actually my first post shows it commented out) then m2eclipse compiles it fine. It is only when it is uncommented that this strange error happens. This error also only started happening recently so I'm not sure what exactly changed to start it off.

It is going to be very difficult to make a test project which can reproduce the error. I'll see if I can do it.

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Fred Bricon <fbricon@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Looks like you're referring to files outside your project. This is not guaranteed to work. m2e core would not allow that kind of thing for java resources for instance as it's considered an anti-pattern. Does it work in CLI?
Can you create a JIRA issue and attach a test project reproducing the error [1]? I don't know if that can easily be fixed but I can at least take a look.


Fred Bricon

2011/6/16 Collin Peters <cpeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
In my webapp project I have the following in my pom.xml (see below).

As you can see, I have a number of webResource inclusions, including some SQL file, some Jasper reports, and the fckeditor (an html wysiwyg browser editor). I am having an odd problem where it will say something like:

File /home/collin/Code/intouch.git/java/intouch-webapp/../../resources/editor/target/surefire/surefire917805111467821345tmp does not exist

I have no idea how to even read this error.  The first half of it (up till "resources/editor") looks like the webResource for the fckeditor, but the second half looks like some random test file from surefire.

Anybody have any ideas on what could help?

<!-- Include desired I18N properties files (devel or prod) -->
<!-- Include SQL for dbmaintain -->
<!-- Include compiled reports -->
<!-- Include XSLT for reports -->
<!-- Include FCKEditor Runtime -->

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