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[m2e-users] XDoclet plugin

Hi all,
I'm trying hard to migrate from 0.12.1 to 1.0.0 ;-)
As of now, everything is almost working except one "little" thing I can't explain : I can't figure out why the XDoclet plugin is not triggered during the Eclipse build. I've applied the exact same configuration than for the other plugins I want to trigger and whose lifecycle is not covered by m2e (nor any extension), i.e. :


However, no XDoclet generation happens and I couldn't find a way to activate a "debug" mode in the Maven console view to investigate further.

The other plugins I've configured this way fire correctly during the Eclipse build.

As a side note, The XDoclet plugin execution is attached to the generate-resources phase of my project, but I don't think it has any influence on the new M2E build lifecycle, right ?

Thanks for your insights,

Vincent Vandenschrick
 Jspresso Framework

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