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[m2e-dev] m2e 1.6/mars target environments

I know Luna isn't quite out yet, but I'd like to give early heads up
about changes to operating systems and java versions supported by m2e
1.6 we plan to ship with mars.

First, m2e 1.6 will require at least BREE JavaSE-1.7. I don't believe
this will affect many m2e users upgrading to m2e 1.6, but plan
accordingly if you can't move to java 7 by then.

Second, m2e will no longer claim blanket support for all environments
supported Eclipse Platform. Instead, I can only promise testing and
validation for the four environments I use personally [1].

If you or your organization want/need m2e to claim support for any other
environment, lets discuss this on m2e-dev. Generally I will require
publicly accessible CI system that runs m2e tests on each change (or
maybe once a day) in the environment you need/want and email commitment
to validate m2e milestone builds in that environment. I will also expect
you to investigate and provide patches for any problems that appear in
that environment.



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