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Re: [m2e-dev] maven-bundle-plugin based OSGi bundle fails to export package contents correctly if the same package is located in multiple dependencies

Hello Igor, 

Today I did small demo for you. You can find it here:

bundleA should have compilation problems. 
On my real workspace, when I change manifest file dependencies, i.e. required bundles (wrapperes) or package imports, then bundle (bundleA in our case) resolves different package contents from wrappers.


On 22 August 2012 04:17, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think there is a good explanation to the behaviour you see, but I'd
need an example project to tell for sure.


On 12-08-21 7:00 PM, Alexander Potapov wrote:
Thank you for fast reply.

OK, I understand that all-or-nothing thing. But why a.b.c Java package
contents (from A and B projects) are not visible as one package with
classes from both projects?
If I change the order of dependencies specified as required bundles
(i.e. wrappers A' and B') in manifest file then different package
contents are resolved. It should resolve wrapper project exports. Looks
like classpath entry idea is ignored here and each Maven container
reference project threated like a bundle.

Is it correct behavior of interaction between Maven container and OSGi
import/export (or required-bundle) mechanisms? Sounds like not.


On Aug 22, 2012 12:02 AM, "Igor Fedorenko" <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Workspace dependencies are all-or-nothing thing, so clients of B will
    always see all packages, regardless if they ask for B1 or B2. This
    limitation is rather fundamental to how maven works -- project model
    does not have enough information to know contents of B1 and B2, and how
    jdt works -- it is not possible to depend on some project output, so
    this limitation won't be relaxed any time soon.

    You may be able to workaround the problem by splitting B in two separate
    projects, but I don't know if this is an option or not.


    On 12-08-21 4:12 PM, Alexander Potapov wrote:


        I have setup:

        Eclipse Juno with PDE:
        Version: 3.8.0.v20120525-1249-__7c7vFitFFt6Zr5a12MM4IKMFZ

        Build id: I20120608-1400

        m2e plugin:

        Version: 2.3.7

        I use OSGi wrapping bundles (maven-bundle-plugin generates
        manifest and
        uses Maven container for dependencies resolution). They wrap
        which are also under development on the same workspace.
        I have 2 projects with the same package.
        For instance:
        Project A has package:
        Project B has packages:

        Project B produces 2 artifacts. One of them contains everything
        (Artifact B1) and another one contains only a.b.c package contents
        (Artifact B2).

        Moving a.b.c package from Project B "is not possible". Because
        it will
        introduce cycle in dependencies. Package rename is also prohibited,
        because of compatibility issues.
        One solution could be - move Project A contents inside Project
        B, but it
        is also not an option because Project B will be too heavy.

        I have 2 wrappers for both projects:
        Wrapper A' which has dependencies to project A and B (Artifact
        B2). It
        exports a.b.c package.
        Wrapper B' has dependency to project B and it exports a.b.d package.

        Now, if I do not have Project B on my workspace then wrappers
        artifacts(Artifact B2 + Project A artifact for A' wrapper bundle,
        Artifact B1 for B' wrapper bundle) from maven local repository and
        everything works fine.
        But if I have this Project B on my workspace and Maven container of
        wrapper bundle resolves it like a reference to the project then
        I get
        compilation errors (Access restriction) in bundles which are
        using this
        wrapper(by importing package or specifying wrapper bundle as
        It seems like wrapper bundles export package partially, what
        seems to be
        Also tried to specify access rules on Maven container - doesn't
        work at all.

        Am I doing something wrong here? Or can you suggest something?


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