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Re: [m2e-dev] Why org.eclipse.m2e.tests.common exported as x-internal?

What are you trying to do?

Classes from org.eclipse.m2e.tests.common are meant to help testing m2e
extensions but we do not consider them part of m2e API and may change
that in incompatible manner in the future. We believe this is acceptable
for test code but use x-internal as a warning.


On 12-07-16 2:26 PM, Ian Brandt wrote:


Is org.eclipse.m2e.tests.common exported as x-internal intentionally?


I'm getting the following Eclipse warning trying to write a m2e connector test:

	Discouraged access: The type AbstractMavenProjectTestCase is not accessible due to restriction on required library /Applications/Eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.m2e.tests.common_1.1.0.20120530-0009.jar

I tried to modify the access rules for the bundle via Java Build Path > Libraries > Plun-in Dependencies, but the settings changes don't seem to survive a restart of Eclipse.  Alternatively I can mask the warning with '@SuppressWarnings("restriction")', but that has to be done at the class level with the offending API in the extends clause.



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