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Re: [m2e-dev] 1.1 release docoware draft

Hi Igor,

> Mostly an FYI, but if anyone has comments and/or suggestions I am
> certainly than happy to update the doc. We need to submit the doc for
> Technology PMC approval some time tomorrow (Friday, June 1st, 2012), so
> do not delay if you plan to comment.

Just a few minor remarks:
- On page 5, 6, 17, there are empty dots at the bottom of the page
- page 6: #m2clipse IRC channel (shouldn't that be #m2eclipse?)
- page 7: You say "extensions that work with 1.0 are expected to work with 1.1 without changes".
  Well, at least for the m2e discovery catalog this isn't fully true; you have to add "<m2e-versions>1.0,1.1</m2e-versions>" to make an extension available for both versions or otherwise an extension isn't available in m2e 1.1.x; see your mail reply from 2011/11/12 "Re: [m2e-dev] Rebuilding discovery catalog"
- page 7: different fonts ;-)
- page 11: last dot: "Archetyper"

Page 6: Localization, Internationalization, Accessibility

This is the first time I hear about localization feature, but that sounds great. I can contribute German translations if you like; I just need some hints where to start from...



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