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Re: [m2e-dev] m2e and AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipants

> Have you read any of PDE documentation referenced from [1]? In short,
> all dependencies must be defined in OSGi bundle manifest.
I have read this documentation, but didn't realise that in order to attain m2e integration I now need to become familiar with writing an Eclipse plugin. This is quite a heavy burden on me given other activities so I appreciate any further help and guidance.

Is there no other way to be able to offer further project configuration within m2e? 

I have a new packaging type and specifically I want to:

* add/configure some standard plugin artifacts
* add some standard dependencies
* add resource folders

Would I be able to do the above by writing a Maven plugin and having a goal just for m2e to be able to invoke when project configuration is required?

FYI: I'm now using m2e 1.1.

Thanks again for your help.

Kind regards,

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