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[m2e-dev] lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml for a plugin goal that is not bound to a lifecycle

I wonder if anyone can provide some advice when working with the new
lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml configuration file that is part of m2e

1) Is the format of this file documented anywhere, or is there any
particular part of the codebase that describes the format?

2) Is it possible to setup a pluginExecution for a goal that is not
bound to a lifecycle.  Specifically I am trying to write a plugin that
will support settings such as additionalProjectnatures defined in the
maven-eclipse-plugin configuration
 Since this plugin is usually executed manually on the command line,
and not run as part of the the regular build, defining a
pluginExecutionFilter against the maven-eclipse-plugin does not seem
to work.

Any advice would be gratefully received.


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