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Re: [m2e-dev] dependency:unpack fails in m2e with workspace resolution

m2e 1.0.0 is expected to work with Eclipse 3.6, I can't remember if m2e is finalized yet but at least an RC version is available at:

On 8 June 2011 11:53, Derek Lewis <derek@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ok, that sounds great to me.  Thanks.  We're currently using Eclipse 3.6 /w m2e 0.12.2.  I plan to move us to Eclipse 3.7 /w m2e 1.0.0 not too long after it's out.

On 8 June 2011 05:56, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
m2e 1.0.0 is expected to skip this execution.

As I mentioned, m2e will create "plugin execution not covered" error
marker. The error marker has a quick fix to suppress it via pom.xml


On 11-06-08 12:23 AM, Derek Lewis wrote:
I suppose doing nothing would be better than doing the wrong thing.
What seemed to be happening in my build was that once m2e threw that
error, it stopped processing the project.  For example, the project has
a file in src/test/resources that I modified, but the modified file
wasn't being copied into target/test-classes, and I thought it might
have been because process-resources was failing due to the unpack.  If
it's marked as unsupported, as you've mentioned, will m2e skip that
execution, and carry on with the rest of the resources properly?  That
behaviour would be perfectly sufficient for what I'm trying to do.

On 7 June 2011 19:56, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

   Can you describe desired behaviour in some details? Do you expect m2e to
   honour maven-jar-plugin configuration of ep-search project, for example?
   Should dependency:unpack happen incrementally. whenever anything under
   ep-search/target/classes changes? What if ep-search has some
   dependency:unpack magic of it's own, should m2e follow that too?

   We could not find a good general answer to these questions, so 1.0.0
   will mark dependency:unpack as unsupported (see still unfinished [1])
   but will ignore it otherwise.

   m2e can be configured or extended to do something smarter (it is not too
   late in other words, this kind of changes can happen without touching
   m2e itself), but at this point we don't know what this smarter logic
   should be or at least how to implement it.



   On 11-06-07 8:39 PM, Derek Lewis wrote:

       I ran across another incarnation of this rather old bug today:

       With this in our pom:

       and com.elasticpath:ep-search open in Eclipse, and workspace
       enabled, I get this error:
       org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to
       execute goal
       (unpack) on project ep-search-itest: Error unpacking file:

       Is there any possibility of getting this fixed before the final
       goes out in Eclipse 3.7, or is it too late for that?

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