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Re: [lts-iwg] LTS Readiness Criteria for Runtime Projects

It's two weeks since I sent this email and I haven't seen any response or acknowledgement. Please could the leader of the LTS Steering Committee let me know when this topic will be discussed?



On 29 Oct 2012, at 13:49, Glyn Normington wrote:

The RT PMC's list of Simultaneous Release requirements that need not be LTS readiness criteria for runtime projects is available in the minutes of the RT PMC for 17 October 2012 ([1]).

I would be grateful if the LTS Steering Committee would:

(a) vote to approve Virgo for participation in LTS without it necessarily participating in the simultaneous release (as per [2]).
(b) consider the above input of the RT PMC and amend [2] appropriately.

Please let me know if you need anything else from the RT PMC.

Since I do not have the email addresses of all the members of the LTS Steering Committee and I can't tell whether they all subscribe to this list, I would be grateful if someone on this list could forward this email to the Steering Committee and let me know that has been done.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Bindewald, Jutta" <jutta.bindewald@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Virog in LTS (minutes)
Date: 25 September 2012 16:07:42 GMT+01:00

Minutes: Virgo in LTS (September, 25)
Participants: Karsten Schmidt, Jochen Krause, Glyn Normington, Andrew Ross, Boris Kapuaranov, Jesse McConnell, Thomas Rasteter,Jutta Bindewald
Problem: Runtime projects usually do not participate in the simultaneous release (SR) because SR consists of IDE components.
In the case of Virgo only a small subset belongs to SR.
After some discussion there was general agreement to extract the appropriate requirements from the SR requirement list to the LTS readiness definition instead of the existing  requirement that the project is released as part of SR.
There was a discussion if it makes sense to require in general that components in the LTS have to be bundles.
There was general agreement that also runtime projects shall be eligible to participate in LTS.
Next steps: The RT PMC provides a list of the SR requirements that make no sense for runtime projects. This list will be sent to the steering committee (Pat Huff, Jochen Krause, Thomas Rastetter and Paul  Lipton). The steering committee will in its first meeting planned for October attempt to discuss and potentially decide the Virgo case and enter into the general discussion about LTS readiness definition especially for runtime projects.
Dr. Jutta Bindewald
Development Manager
Tip CORE Java Infrastructure
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf, Germany
T +49 6227 7-44183
F +49 6227 78-19277
M +49 151 168 10 354
E jutta.bindewald@xxxxxxx

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