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Re: [lsp4e-dev] LSP4E 1.0.0 entry in PMI up to date?


To be honest, going to 1.0.0 is not a high priority of mine. I remember I did set some random date some time ago.
But going to 1.0.0 would be a good thing to do; so since we have a date, we can try to just do a 1.0.0 for the given date.
My only concern is about the LSP4J requirement; which is kind of leaking as transitive API here and there. Is it OK to release LSP4E 1.0.0 on top of a 0.x of LSP4J?

On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 9:01 PM Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello LSP4E-devs,

The PMI indicates an intention to have a 1.0.0 release in late June - - is this still an accurate plan?

Also, the 1.0.0 release is listed as being part of a couple of older simrel's. @EMO EMO is cc'ed to correct that if possible:

EMO - 1.0.0 says it is part of 2018-12 and 2019-03. Actually 0.8.0 is for 2018-12 and 0.9.0 is for 2019-03. 


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders
lsp4e-dev mailing list
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Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, for Red Hat Developers

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