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[lsp4e-dev] LSP4E: NPE in openFileLocationInEditor when CTRL-Clicking on source entities


I have opened a bug ticket reporting a NPE with LSPEclipseUtils#openFileLocationInEditor when navigating in Ada source code.

It seems that linked resources are not handled correctly by LSP4E. The opened issue is filed under reference

May be related to the fact that .project is located in the Eclipse workspace since the sources are located  somewhere outside on the filesystem.

Is intended or this behavior is just a bug ?

Thanks for your feedback.

Monika Kurovszky Ciocoiu
Software Engineer, AdaCore

tel +33(0) 1 49 70 87 93  |  mob +33(0) 6 61 56 73 05
46 rue d’Amsterdam 75009, Paris, France

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