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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Character encoding of requests?

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 10:43 PM Nick Battle <nick.battle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, the language engine chokes on the bad decoding.  So if I decode the byte array as cp1252, I get a (Java) pound character and all is well; if I decode as UTF8 (which is my default, but it's the same if I'm explicit) then I get a "<?>" character - basically an unknown decoding. As cp1252, the character appears in the logs as expected and so on; as utf8, it's always nonsense. So I'm pretty sure it's cp1252 encoded, and of course I can see the single byte value of A3 (or -93 as a Java byte), whereas a UTF8 pound would be a pair: C2 A3. Technically I think it could be ISO-8859-1, but I'd need to try more experiments to tell.

OK, interesting case...

And it's the same with vscode and lsp4e.  It occurred to me that this is probably lsp4j underneath, though I don't know whether vscode uses that?

For the client part, VSCode uses the vscode-languageserver node module. No relationship with LSP4J.
But some language servers used in VSCode plugins (including the Java language server, or more generally all language servers written in Java) do use LSP4J.

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