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Re: [lsp4e-dev] How can I use several debuggers at once


Eclipse LSP4E includes support the Debug Adapter Protocol ( ) that's also used in VSCode, Eclipse Che and Eclipse Theia, and provides debug targets and model for it in Eclipse IDE. The Debug Adapter is independent of the language, so it can run with any language and probably with a combination of them.
So one possibility here would be that you implement a single multi-language/composite Debug Adapter that would receive messages from client IDE (Eclipse IDE) when adding a breakpoint, clicking "Next" or looking for a value or ..., and that would dispatch it to the right debugger for the desired file. Eclipse LSP4E (and other clients) wouldn't really care if the file where to place the breakpoint or to show the value is a .java or a .python or whatever, it will just communicate the actions with the Debug Adapter, which does whatever it wants with it. From Eclipse IDE perspective, it would be a single debugger.


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