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Re: [lsp4e-dev] To start contributing

Hi Ayush,

For starter and to familiarize with the code style and the contributing process, I suggest you look at SonarCloud reports: . From this page, you'll see some code constructs that are reported as bugs, and can be improved according to the description you get; and you also see a report about coverage and which packages don't have a good coverage, for which you can contribute some test cases.
You'll see some issue related to the lsp4e.debug code. It's up to you to decide whether this debugge part (which is a bit more difficult) fits in your scope. What's sure is that if you provide good patches for it, they'll be merged as well as for the plain lsp4e part ;)

I also suggest you have a look at one of the downstream project (Wild Web Developer, aCute, Corrosion, ShellWax) to see LSP4E in action and look at how the Language Server is bound to the IDE and how messages are transferred. Pick whichever fits you best according to your interests, they're all equivalent in term of design.

Once you feel more comfortable with the code style and how LSP4E works, you can have a look at the list of issues at and pick anyone you'd like to work on. If you need some assistance in chosing an issue, you can select a few ones and come back to the mailing-list explaining why you chose them and we can give you feedback and recommendations of a good one to start in your selected subset.


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