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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Committers, please vote for Jonah!


On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 9:56 AM, Martin Lippert <mlippert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
but do I understand you correctly that you want to remove commit rights for people who did not submit their vote on time?

Yes, that's the idea. But let's refine it to "people who didn't submit their vote in time and didn't contribute code, bugs or discussions to LSP4E in the last 4 months".
In case this is what you mean, I find the note bit harsh.

I've seen many project with huge list of committers and actually most of them not active for years, so the list of committers in that case becomes a wrong indicator of the project.
And the other way round, I've seen people not contributing any code, bug, discussion or whatever productive to any Eclipse project and still be marked as committer on several projects and take advantage of the benefits that come with the title.
So I think it's more honest to keep the list of committers to a meaningful set of active people caring really about the project. And caring about the project means at least caring about the new ones who care and voting on committers elections.
It is a bit harsh technically speaking, but it is also fair to everyone. I'll try to make this a general rule: use every committer election as an opportunity to clean up inactive committers who didn't vote. To me, this kind of rule should be used by all projects and even enforced by the Eclipse Development Process.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, at Red Hat Developers community
Elected Committer Representative at the Eclipse Foundation board of directors

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